Aardman Animation is best known for creating Chicken Run, Wallace and Gromit, Shaun the Sheep and Flushed Away. They’ve also done work with short animation films — as both Wallace and Gromit and Shaun the Sheep were a series of shorts prior to their feature films.
Now the studio has recently announced that Aardman Animation will be creating their own YouTube Channel — Aardboiled — that will showcase various animated shorts from different creators.
They’ve already released four videos in the past week, one of which — "The Nipth” — is created by Terry Brain, who worked with Aardman Animation from 2000 until his unfortunate death in 2016. The video — which is only a quick 90 seconds — shows a creature only Brain could think up, with a catchy rhyme to go with it.
The Aardboiled website reads, “The channel features a mix of brand new content from well-known creators and exciting new talent along with lesser-known gems from the Aardman back catalogue. The content has been selected by established Aardman directors, producers and content creators and is developed and managed by a team of VOD experts!”
Currently, all of the videos and video producers on the channel have some connection to Aardman Animation. However, their goal is to expand more and more in order to include lesser known directors and animators on to their site. Their main goal, for the time being, seems to be providing original and fun content.
Aardman is also offering a shared revenue deal from the Aardboiled page, saying that the money that is made off of the YouTube videos will be split between Aardman and the creator. Any further questions can be directed to AardBoiled@aardman.com.
Aardman is also releasing a new film in 2018, entitled Early Man. Watch the trailer for it here: