A fallen angel never looked this graceful

Falling at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is not high on any Angel's list, but Chinese model Ming Xi did it with grace.

Such grace, in fact, CBS didn't cut out the faux pax so it aired uncut last night.

According to the People, Victoria’s Secret tapes at least two run-throughs to slips and falls can be edited out of the program.

The audience's reaction was loud applause while model Gizele Oliveira, who walked next stopped to lend a hand while Xi steadied herself to continue her walk.

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At the end of the runway Xi struck a pose, to the delight of the audience as well as Oliveiera and Karlie Kloss who were on the runway with her.

According to the Washington Post, CBS even helped amp up the drama by putting in the producers' comments:

“Ming is down!”

“Oh my goodness!”

“Can she get up? Is she okay?”

“Gizele’s got her."

Xi was not hurt during the fall, aside from her pride, which did make her shed a few tears, which were also shown. This is where fans drew the line, however.

What did you think of how CBS used the fall? Did they take too much advantage of Ming Xi? Should Victoria's Secret create a policy so their models aren't used this way? Tell us below!