Where has December gone?  Christmas is almost here and the shopping isn’t done yet, but there are still plenty of options.  For those who do not want to brave a mall or physical store, they can still get some amazing gifts from Amazon Prime Now.

Amazon Prime is already pretty good.  All you need to do is place your order using Prime membership and check the 2-day shipping options, your gifts are guaranteed to arrive by 11:59 on Dec. 24.

Get last minute gifts delivered to you within an hour

Amazon Prime Now is a special feature available to prime members in 30 cities.  With Prime Now, your selected items be at your front door in as little as an hour.  Just place the order before midnight on Christmas Eve and your gifts will come to you.

There are so many great gift options with Prime Now including the new Echo Show, board games, household items, toys, electronics and more.

Access this service by going through Amazon.com or download the Amazon Prime Now app.  Not a prime member? Well, you are in luck as Amazon offers a 30-free trial, so you can sign up, shop around and see if you want to continue with a prime membership, no strings attached.

Amanda Ip, communications expert and shopper from Amazon spoke with Michelle Tompkins for TheCelebrityCafe.com about some exciting gift options and how easy it is to make your holidays complete with the use of some simple technology.  She offers shopping tips, explained some cool new products and tells why Amazon Prime Now can help people complete their shopping so they can enjoy spending time with their loved ones instead of rushing off to a crowded store.

See the full interview here:

Amazon Prime Now can be found here.