Medicare open enrollment ends on Dec. 7, but a new survey called “The Cost of Complacency” by WellCare reveals that seniors are more likely to comparison shop for just about anything, such as gas, groceries and cable, but they do not do the same thing when it comes to their healthcare.

“The Cost of Complacency” revealed many interesting findings.  Only 38 percent of seniors review their Medicare plan to see if they are getting the best bang for their buck.

“On December 7, that is the close of enrollment for 2018 Medicare. So, it is really important for seniors to take the time to review what the currently have, or if they haven’t been enrolled sign up so they are locked in for the year," said Bart Astor, elder expert.

“Health care costs are the heaviest burden for seniors, but they don’t review their health care coverage an annual basis.  And leads to problems not just leaving money on the table, but they might not be receiving the coverage they need," Astor added.

Healthcare costs are expected to go up each year, so most Medicare plans change.  Seniors may be missing out on saving big money.

People need to look at more than just the costs.  Consider things like diagnostic tests, as well as vision care and dental.  Look at the whole picture to look ahead to see what you need for the next year.

Bart Astor is author of the Washington Post bestseller, AARP Roadmap for the Rest of Your Life: Smart Choices about Money, Health, Work, Lifestyle, and Pursuing Your Dreams and the best-selling book, Baby Boomer's Guide to Caring for Aging Parents  and well-known expert in life's transitions and eldercare spoke with Michelle Tompkins for discussed the study and offered tips on how to make sure you are getting the best Medicare plan for you (or your loved one's needs) and what to look for to make the right decision.

See complete interview below:

Medicare open enrollment ends on Dec. 7.  Learn more about “The Cost of Complacency” here.