By now you’ve either seen Stranger Things (and if you’re like me, re-watched it ten times) or you have no interest in the show whatsoever. There’s too much hype around the series to ignore, and if you fall into the latter category know that you’re missing out.

credit: YouTube

One of the things that we love about Stranger Things is Eleven — or as we like to call her, El. Played by Millie Bobby Brown, who is only 13 years old (!!!!!!), El is one of the most memorable characters the show has to offer.

Despite the fact that we’ve seen two seasons of the show now, we’re not entirely sure where El comes from or why she is the way she is. We know that she spent most of her childhood being experimented on in Hawkins National Laboratory and that she has telekinesis powers, but the rest of her backstory still remains a mystery.

Even so, El is quiet, subtle and lovable while also being fierce and independent at the same time. We’ve seen her progress from the innocent, lonely child at the start of season one to the veteran she now is.

Seeing how Millie Bobby Brown has received a SAG nomination for her role in Stranger Things season 2, we thought it was only fitting to count down our top ten Eleven moments from the whole show.

Spoilers follow (duh).

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