Skip the reboots, we've got a sequel!

Mattel, the company behind the world-renowned card game Uno, announced the sequel to its decade-old franchise which is appropriately titled Dos.

Dos has the familiar number and color system reminiscent of its predecessor. But, don't be fooled because it's actually a very different game.

While the objective of Uno was to get rid of your deck, not before shouting Uno to scare your opponents, Dos takes on a new challenge. According to the official rules, the objective of Dos is to score the most points.

The differences don't just stop there. Working from its namesake, in Dos, you can have two piles of cards. While you can match numbers just like in Uno, you can also get rid of more cards by placing two cards, one from each of your two decks, that add up to the number on the card on the top of the pile. So, if someone places an 8, you can place a 5 and a 3 for a valid move. Colors on the other hand only get you more points, as long as the number matches.

Dos also gets rid of the vicious, draw two, skip, reverse, and draw four cards. So there's less potential for ruining relationships, which is at least half the fun of Uno. Instead, Dos adds a "hashtag" card that is a wild card you can use for a number.

The biggest similarity is that the old mainstay of the original Uno is still part of Dos. Whenever a player gets down to two cards, you must shout Dos or else you'll draw two extra cards.

This is the first, real reinvention of the classic Uno game, even though there have been several spin-offs including Uno Attack, King Size Uno, Minecraft Uno, and Uno H2O, a special version with waterproof cards.

Dos will be released on March 4, 2018 exclusively in Target.

Are you excited for Dos?