Girls star opens up in candid essay about her condition
Lena Dunham, the 31-year-old star of HBO's hit series Girls, revealed that she recently underwent a hysterectomy, a procedure which includes the removal of the uterus and cervix, in an essay she penned for the March issue of Vogue.
Dunham had been suffering from endometriosis for a long time and the excruciating pain caused her to make the decision to go through with a hysterectomy in order find relief from the suffering this devastating condition caused.
"With pain like this, I will never be able to be anyone’s mother. Even if I could get pregnant, there’s nothing I can offer.”
In her candid essay titled “The Painful Truth,” she went on to explain her condition and how she came to make such a radical decision, even though she had been taking medication as well as using alternative health measures to improve such as acupuncture and yoga.
"I can feel it, deeply specific yet unverified, despite so many tests and so much medical dialogue," Dunham wrote as reported by CNN. "I just sense that the uterus I have been given is defective."
Endometriosis is a condition where the lining of the uterus grows outside of it, causing pain and additional health problems and fertility issues.
"The only beautiful detail is that the organ—which is meant to be shaped like a lightbulb—was shaped like a heart."
However, despite taking such drastic, yet necessary action, she still has no doubt that she is destined to be a mother someday.
"I may have felt choiceless before, but I know I have choices now," Dunham wrote. "Soon I'll start exploring whether my ovaries, which remain someplace inside me in that vast cavern of organs and scar tissue, have eggs. Adoption is a thrilling truth I'll pursue with all my might."
Lena Dunham is still recuperating and The Celebrity Café wishes her a speedy recovery and happier times to come.