Anderson Cooper is smart, funny and sexy and an eligible bachelor to boot.

Anderson Cooper, age 50, recently broke up with his boyfriend of nine years, Benjamin Maisani.

Cooper says, “they had separated a long time ago, but the two of them are still very much family to each other.”

Post break up, we reported Cooper said that, “he and Maisani will remain the best of friends, and they will remain a part of each other’s lives.”

No other details have been given involving the reason for the split. Cooper (50), a journalist, and ex-boyfriend Maisani (45), a nightclub owner, first linked up in 2009.

Cooper came out as gay in 2012 when he allowed a fellow writer and friend, Andrew Sullivan, to ghostwrite an email from him. Through this email, it had become clear Cooper was staying silent about the fact that he was gay.

From not letting money change him to being an award-winning journalist, Anderson Cooper has proven to be a catch and we have a full list of reasons why he is the is the sexiest eligible bachelor right now.

Also. He may be the only man alive who could read a passage from Snooki's book and still maintain his dignity. (not an official reason by the on to find our reasons)

Click next to see why Anderson Cooper is so sexy!

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