Get to know these 5 technologies that are changing the human experience
They are now a must have and soon all forms of digital tech on this list will be everywhere you see. From robot cars to hyper fast cloud apps to artificial intelligence saturating EVERYTHING, sci-fi technology is everywhere
And they are happening at a speed so fast that its creating a revolutionary divide between the generations. Already an entire generation is in the practice of trying not to confuse older people with how basic communication works in the modern world. For example, how many times have you had to ask (or be asked) if someone knows what an 'app' or a 'social media platform' is before you tried to explain whats on your mind.
But mobile apps are hardly the biggest changes coming from tech.
It freaks people out (and scares a bunch of us) But you are probably already using them!
All five digital technologies on this list have been around and are here to stay! Just remember that when you're talking to your robot college buddy over what happened on the news the night before!
Click next to see the list!