People smoke out of the weirdest things in this show.

In the first season of Legion, it was just that one frog with the glowing blue eyes. We’ve upped the anti from that, as people are taking drags out of everything from babies to cows in this episode of Legion — “Chapter 17.”

We start off with some backstory on Melanie, as her turn to the dark-side was a surprise twist at the end of last week’s episode.

Flashing back 13 days earlier, which is when David wakes up and season two begins, Melanie isn’t doing well. She misses Oliver, despite the fact that she absolutely hates him for leaving her once again. It’s an endless cycle of grief, as she takes it out on herself and stays inside her room reminiscing.

After failed attempts from Syd and Kerry (which is done in an impressively long one-shot, I might add), Melanie gets a visit from Oliver late one night.

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Oliver shows her a younger version of herself, which triggers some kind of flashback to when Melanie was hanging out at Farouk’s mansion.

There's some still untold history here, for sure, but the main takeaway is that Melanie has lost all of her grip on reality. She has no idea what’s real anymore and what’s not, so when Oliver tells her to knock Clark unconscious with the promise that they’ll return to the ice cube from season one together, she does so with glee.

Someone should probably do something about her.

Kerry and Cary, meanwhile, are having better luck at following David’s implanted advice. They’re both hanging out in the lab when they get their vision, telling them they have to bring some sort of weapon that’s in Division Three to someplace with a blue octopus.

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That blue octopus, they figure out, is nothing more than an abandoned parking lot located right next to a Chinese restaurant.

They get the weapon and drive the car out there, but stop short when they’re told to leave the weapon there. Kerry thinks this is a stupid idea — why does someone else get to use the weapon when she’ll be way better at handling it?

Instead of leaving it there, they walk into the Chinese restaurant and sit down.

That’s where my favorite moment of the episode comes in. They’re sitting in silence when Cary tells Kerry that he’s going to die someday — long before Kerry ever does. Kerry doesn’t want to hear this, saying that she’ll just stab death in the heart instead. Cary smiles, thankful for her comfort, but knows it’s not true.

Okay, first off I’m terrified at what this might be foreshadowing — if Cary dies at the end of this season, I’ll be slightly upset. But really, it’s such a great character defining moment for both Cary and Kerry. You can see the eager energy that Kerry has, yet her naivety given that she is still pretty young. Older and wiser Cary knows a bit more about how the world works, but still needs someone like Kerry by his side.

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Wiping those tears to the side, it’s then Lenny who finishes off the episode.

Now that she’s escaped from Division Three, she returns back home — not exactly finding the warm welcome she was hoping for, as it’s nothing more than a bunch of people sitting around getting high.

However, after a minute or two, everyone recognizes Lenny and throws her a welcome home party.

Lenny heads to bed with some young female, only to instead wake up to the morning lying next to Amy.

Amy, turns out, isn’t fully dead. Her body may now belong to Lenny, but she has the power to tap into her mind and appear at will.

At first, Lenny tries to ignore Amy, but that doesn’t last too long. Amy can appear as often as she wants, so there’s no escaping this.

Instead, she has to listen to Amy — who, in turn, is telling her to listen to David. David’s implant tells Lenny to go to the blue Octopus and retrieve the weapon that Kerry and Cary were supposed to leave, so that’s where she heads.

Kerry and Cary watch her get in the car. Confused, they run out of the restaurant to see what she’s doing, but they don’t quite get there in time. The entire car is zapped by this green light that makes it disappear into thin air.

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Of course, you can probably guess where it’s going — into the desert to help David, in the race against Farouk. Lenny arrives, takes the weapon out of the truck and watches the vehicle goes up in flames.

She looks to her right and sees a bunch of people sitting in a circle who oddly look like bucket-head.

There are only two more episodes of FX's Legion left! What do you think is going to happen? Will Cary make it out of this season alive? Let us know in the comments below, then read our other Legion recaps by clicking here!