Traveling with children can be easier if you follow these useful tips

Amy E. Goodman, author and lifestyle expert, knows her way around travel.  She frequents morning shows offering her words of wisdom when it comes to all things travel.  The busy mom also discovered that getting children involved with the planning of a vacation could make the experience better for the entire family.

Amy E. Goodman

One main tip involves assigning each child a task, like planning one day of the vacation so they can be truly invested in the trip.  She recommends giving the kids a budget and a few parameters, but let them do the research and come up with some ideas of how they want to spend their vacation.

Another great tip is having a full change of clothes from undies up for everybody packed in labeled zip bags that are easy to get to in case of a spill.

Some of her other tips include getting organized, shopping around to find the best deals on transportation and accommodations. Preparing in advance for life's little unforeseen problems especially when traveling, so he recommends investing in travel insurance.

If you will be taking a road trip, she reminds people to have the car checked out before you hit the road.

Snacks are something very important when traveling with kids.  Make sure you have a variety of easy-to-eat snacks.

While using technology is helpful to keep kids entertained, come up with a few original games of your own such as DIY travel bingo or a scavenger hunt.  A great tip was laminate the games so you can use a washable marker and reuse it for extra on the road fun.

Amy E. Goodman spoke with Michelle Tompkins for about her background, how she makes travel easier in her own life, how, Allianz, Yokohama and Cracker Barrel can be part of your vacation, why travel insurance is important, tips when planning a trip during hurricane season and more.

See this informative interview here:

Amy E. Goodman can be found here and learn more about her tips at Better Stuff for Life.