Trailer Park Joys

Trailer Park Boys! Who? Trailer Park Boys, I said. Why? Because I like that show and more people should watch it. When it is on? It is on anytime! Where? Netflix(ba-bum). Why should I watch it?  I know at first glance it looks like a dumb show. Then I started noticing the character development of each person. The actors play their roles well. You start to think hey, I know a person like that. The are flawed in some way yet, you can’t help but feel for them. Because nobody is perfect!

  The show first aired 2001. It is a mockumentary about a fictional Sunnyvale trailer park in Darthmoth, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Main Characters are Julian, Ricky, and Bubbles. The plot of the show is, usually, these three come up with a plan to make money fast. They do succeed but, they end in jail….a lot.

Julian (John Paul Tremblay) almost always has a drink in his hand. It doesn’t matter what he is doing. He is brash, muscular, and a skeemer. He continually gets these two neighborhood boys(Trevor & Corey) to do illegal activities for Julian, Ricky and Bubbles.

Ricky (Robb Wells) He doesn’t know how to talk without cursing. Ricky can be quite erratic. Ricky says he isn’t smart yet, he is street smart and emotionally strong. He loves his daughter Trinity and his on again off again girlfriend Lucy. Family is a big deal to Ricky!

Bubbles (Mike Smith) He was abandoned as a child and lives in a shed. He has a strong affinity for kitties and iron working. Mostly repairing shopping carts. He is the voice of reason of the three characters. He is well liked by everyone in the trailer park.

If that doesn’t sell you on the show. Then I suggest you watch one episode. Because this show is silly, smart, and realistic. That is why I feel the show is a sleeper show.


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