The third installment of the Bridget Jones book franchise by author Helen Fielding is called Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy, which was revealed on the Today Show today.
An excerpt was also teased on the show, showing Jones obsessing over texting a “boy” while drunk. Knopf has since released the full excerpt.
Editor-in-Chief and Knopf Chairman, Sonny Mehta, also commented on the book, saying, "I’m thrilled to report she’s back and in familiar fettle. Mad About the Boy represents a totally new phase in Bridget’s life, as Fielding has indicated when she said “Bridget's life has moved on.”
The Hollywood Reporter notes that the new novel, which follows 1996’s Bridget Jones' Diary and 1999’s Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, focuses on Jones in present day London, experimenting with social media.
Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant star in the film adaptations of the first two novels, which have sold over 15 million copies.
In February, Fielding said of the highly-anticipated third novel “My life has moved on and Bridget's will move on, too," adding, "I hope people will have as much fun reading it as I am writing it."