Daredevil Nik Wallenda marked New York City as his next destination to conquer, but has since been denied by NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly who shut the dream down after catching wind of his plans to walk between two skyscrapers high above the city.

Wallenda discussed his desire to tight rope between two of city’s iconic skyscrapers following his successful walk just outside of the Grand Canyon. Within hours Commissioner Kelly caught wind of the plan and denied the stuntman before he could even formally propose his plan.

“I don’t think it’d be wise in this city,” Kelly said according to New York Daily News. “We have thousands of New Yorkers who certainly can be put at risk.”

Wallenda hoped to tightrope 4,000 feet above the city crossing the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building. Last year the 34-year-old stuntman successfully crossed Niagara Falls . He followed with a 180 foot walk across a Sarasota highway.

The daredevil has not commented on Kelly’s denial. Monday he informed his Twitter followers that he was on his way to New York.

Image: Nik Wallenda Twitter