On this week’s episode of Twisted, Lacey discovered new evidence in Regina’s murder case, the fall fest happened, and the love square was created.

The episode began with dead Regina talking to Lacey as she was sitting in her bed. Dead Regina told jokes and said that she went to heaven. She was chatty for a dead person. Dead Regina told Lacey that Danny smiled when he killed her. After being thoroughly creeped out, Lacey woke up to discover that Dead Regina was just a nightmare.

Jo was having an incredibly uncomfortable breakfast with her family. The family was discussing Jo’s friendship with Danny. Jo’s father, Kyle, decided to ask Jo about any secrets she had about Danny. Come on, Kyle- gossip from a teenager over pancakes is not going to stand up in court. Kyle then tells his wife that they need to be a united front and keep Jo from hanging out with Danny.

Speaking of Danny, his morning included staring at Regina/Tara’s necklace like a murderer. His mother said that she was going to give some of Danny’s father’s things to charity and Danny accepted it until she mentioned that she was going to get rid of the chair. After hearing that his necklace hiding-place was going to be gone, he changed his story and said he wanted to keep it all.

Meanwhile, Jo’s father was caught in a meeting with angry citizens. The town was planning their annual fall fest and a large majority of people didn’t want Danny there. There were a few cries of support but overall, Danny was unwelcome to the festivities.

The mayor stepped in and said that the fest was going to be safe. He then scolded Kyle for the PR nightmare that Regina’s case has been. He also mentioned that having Jo hanging out with Danny made things worse.

Rico was going to the fest and invited Jo. She said she wasn’t going even though Rico invited her to help work the “pi pie” sale to benefit the mathletes. She didn’t agree to go until Danny said he was going to go.

Rico really seemed exhausted with Jo’s friendship with Danny. Rico and Jo have distanced since the pilot and Danny has lied to them. It is acceptable for Rico to be angry or jealous of the relationship.

When a town member got angry that Danny was at the fest, he shoved him into the pie booth and destroyed all of the pi pies. If I were Rico, I’d be just as angry.

However, I hope this anger or jealousy doesn’t affect Rico as a character. He is one of the funniest ones and I’d hate for him to be a mean character like Archie.

As Danny looked around the booths, he notices Jo’s mother’s and signs up for the pottery class. Even though Jo’s father actively tries (and fails) to destroy Danny’s reputation, it seems that Jo and her mother seem to like Danny even more.

Karen, Danny’s mother, decides to go to Danny’s doctor and talk about his progress and if he is getting any better. Her words say that she believes that he is innocent but her face shows that she doesn’t. Karen doubts that Danny is innocent.

And, I don’t know why this is such an outlandish belief. Danny is acting like the murderer. He has the necklace and stares at it like he enjoys staring at it. Maybe it is just his personality in protecting someone else but he isn’t convincing me. I want to believe he is innocent (I’m reviewing this show; why would I want a crazy protagonist?) but I need more than his friend’s opinions and his empty denial.

Lacey, deciding to be proactive in figuring what happened to Regina’s necklace, goes to Regina’s mother to ask. Regina’s mother said that she doesn’t have any idea where it is. Lacey then volunteers to help with the sympathy cards.

In going through the cards, Lacey discovers a letter that is addressed to Regina herself. Opening it, she finds cash and a note that reminds Regina to keep her mouth shut.

Instead of going to the police with this extremely important information, she keeps it. The information that could solve her best friend’s murder and show that Danny is (maybe) innocent and she keeps it?

Danny and Jo did go to the festival. The mayor tried to talk him out of it but Danny calmly stated that the news reporters were watching and the mayor let them in. He even invited Danny to compete and lose in the apple toss competition.

After, Jo’s father complimented the mayor on his dealing with the Danny situation. The mayor said that he needed to solve the case soon. And the conversation ended.

Which, on that note, Jo’s father’s Bad Cop Moment scale for tonight was a two. He did two things that made him the worst cop ever. (Can you name them?)

Not surprisingly, Jo’s dad tells Danny that he shouldn’t go to the dance and Danny says that he wouldn’t go, even though he already told Jo that he would. He goes home and talks to his mother.

Jo arrives to his house out of the blue and says that they are going to the dance. And Danny puts on his suit and leaves. Karen tells him as he leaves that he will always protect him.

Karen decided to get rid of Regina/Tara’s necklace to protect Danny. Because, as everyone knows, destroying evidence never comes back to haunt you.

Jo and Danny danced. They danced outrageously. They danced romantically. Jo was head over heals. It was really sad. Jo is the only person to really, truly believe him and Danny doesn’t even seem to really appreciate it.

When Danny gets a text message, he says that he has to run home. Instead, he runs over behind a tree to talk to Lacey. She tells him about the Regina bribe money and hands it to him.

Time out. Danny is a suspect in Regina’s murder. So you hand evidence over to him for him to get his fingerprints all over? Come on, guys. Ignoring that, Danny looks at it and is surprised.

He asks Lacey why she wanted to meet in secret. She stuttered and he asks if it is because she wants to get him alone. She gets mad, turns around and kisses him. Lacey, who is dating Archie, kisses Danny.

And as she pulls away, Danny pulls her into another kiss. To be completely honest, if this would have happened last episode, I would have been excited. But, to see Jo follow Danny around with puppy eyes and then he kiss Lacey; it was heartbreaking!

Call me team DanJo (Jonny? Danno?), I guess. Jo stuck by him and Lacey called him a sociopath! How can you not root for that?

At home, Jo’s parents were fighting over Jo’s relationship with Danny. Jo’s father reminds her mother that Danny strangled someone with a jump rope. Jo’s mother believes that Jo is safe with Danny and happier with her. They go to bed separately.

Miles away, Jo sat in the diner alone and waited for Danny in pink lip-gloss and that pretty teal dress. She grinned and looked happy as he walked in. However, as Lacey followed him in, Jo wiped off the lip-gloss and was left feeling ashamed.

While she was ashamed, no one was ashamed as heartbroken Rico. His pie booth was ruined. He was losing his best friend. However, as he was walking he discovered something interesting. Rico spotted Karen throwing the necklace into the lake and the episode ended with a cliffhanger.

So, will Rico tell the police? Are Lacey and Jo going to fight for Danny? And, who was Regina blackmailing? Comment below.