Johnny Depp’s most recent film, The Lone Ranger, unfortunately didn’t do as well as they would’ve liked at the box office.
It cost $250 million to make and has only made $87 million back at the box office. Depp believes it was the early reviews that were the demise of the film.
The actor told Yahoo, “I think the reviews were written 7-8 months before we released the film. I think the reviews were written when they heard Gore [Verbinksi] and Jerry [Bruckheimer] and me were going to do The Lone Ranger, they had expectations that it must be a blockbuster. I didn’t have any expectations of that. I never do.”
Armie Hammer, who played the titular character in the film, agreed with Depp.
“I have a delightful opinion about that that she’s gonna get mad to me about sharing [his publicist]. But I’m going to tell you,” he reasoned. “This is the deal with American critics: they’ve been gunning for our movie since it was shut down the first time, that’s when most of the critics wrote their initial reviews.
He said of the bad reviews, “most of them aren’t about the content of the movie, but more what’s behind it.”
When the film “hit rocky terrain,” he said critics “jumped on the bandwagon to try and bash it. They tried to do the same thing with to World War Z, it didn’t work, the movie was successful. Instead they decided to slit the jugular of our movie.”
NBC News reports producer Jerry Bruckheimer even said critics will “review it in a few years and see that they made a mistake.”
image: Wikimedia Commons