Rebecca Jeanette Rubin, member of an extremist ecoterrorism group allegedly responsible for setting a series of fires from 1996 to 2001 that destroyed more than $40 million worth of property, plead guilty on Thursday for her part in the group’s activities.
According to NBC, Rubin is connected to groups called the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front. As part of her plea deal, Rubin pled guilty in a Portland, Ore. Federal courtroom today and will provide information about the other members of the radical groups. However, she will not be required to identify members of The Family, a more extreme ecoterrorism group—and in fact, the most wanted domestic terrorist group in the country.
Rubin has admitted to her role in a 1997 incident, when she freed horses from a federal horse-slaughter facility while other group members set the facility on fire, The San Francisco Chronicle reports. In another incident, this time in 1998, Rubin was involved in an arson attempt on an Oregon U.S. Forest Industries building and a Colorado ski resort.
Authorities, in 2009, originally pushed for a 30-year sentence as a plea bargain for Rubin, but she did not agree. She is expected to be sentenced to between 5 and 7 years in prison at her sentencing hearing in January.