Many cities are implementing a no driving and talking on a cell phone policy, but now it seems that the new high-tech 'Google Glass' might have to be added to that list of banned items while driving.
According to Fox News , California resident Cecilia Abadie, said she was ticketed for driving while wearing the high-tech glasses.
Abadie described herself as a “tech nerd” and detailed the incident on her Google + page. She said that a cop ticketed her for wearing her 'Google Glass' while driving.
The Google + post from Abadie reads, “A cop just stopped me and gave me a ticket for wearing Google Glass while driving! The exact line says: Driving with Monitor visble to Driver (Google Glass). Is #GoogleGlass ilegal [sic] while driving or is this cop wrong???
The cop pulled over Abadie because the glasses are considered to be a violation of the California law prohibiting drivers from operating a vehicle with a television broadcast or video signal in view, The Huffington Post reported.
No details yet on what Abadie will do legally regarding the ticket.