Phil Collins is writing music again after his retirement in 2010.

The Associated Press reports that Phil Collins has returned to writing music after his retirement in 2010.

"I've decided I kind of missed that writing creative stuff, so I'm trying to get back into writing, and that's getting into a certain headspace and personal drive," Collins said.

Collins was in Miami Beach on Wednesday to promote his nonprofit organization Little Dreams Foundation, an organization he co-founded with his ex-wife, to help youth who don't have the resources to get coaching, training and advice in music, athletics, and visual arts.

Collins was never a fan of touring because it caused him to miss out on his children's lives.

"I've been like that pretty much most of my life, and I don't want to do that anymore," Collins said.

Collins revealed that he may tour again, but not before the end of next year. He admits that critic response of his return did leave him second guessing.

"I can't believe that amount of hate that is out there," Collins said. "Knowing that I'm just thinking of it, and someone saying, 'No, God, please don't do that!' It kind of undermines your confidence."

The Guardian reports that Collins hinted towards a Genesis reunion.

"I have started thinking about doing new stuff," Collins said. "[Maybe playing] some shows again, even with Genesis. Everything is possible"

Photo Courtesy of CBS