In 2010 Courtney Love tweeted a message that will now see her going to trial on Monday January 13 against her former lawyer that handled her fraud case against the estate of her late husband Kurt Cobain.

According to The Hollywood Reporter Love’s controversial tweet read “I was fucking devastated when Rhonda J. Holmes esq. of san diego was paid off.” Holmes is suing Love for the defamatory comment which, if she won, could carry punitive damages with it. In short, if Love lost this case, she may have to be an extremely large sum to Holmes.

Of course, being Courtney Love, this is not the first time she has been sued for a tweet, when in 2011 she was sued by designer Dawn Simorangkir for defamation, where Love was ordered to pay a $430,000 settlement.

Not only is this the first tweet to go to trial but part of the uniqueness of the trial is Love may have to address and defend her outlandish and often crazy antics of the past.

Other people due to testify are select journalists, Love’s former assistants, and economic and language experts on the medium of Twitter.

Image: Wikimedia Commons