Bill Watterson, the famous cartoonist responsible for the iconic comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, unveiled his first cartoon since the strip ended in 1995. Watterson decided to create the poster art for a documentary on cartoonists, Stripped.

Stripped was a passion project for webcartoonist Dave Kellett and he got to do a voice-only interview with Watterson, notes The Washington Post. Watterson rarely does interviews, but he did speak with the Post on Wednesday.

Watterson said that he was surprised that Kellett asked him to do the poster, but he liked the challenge. “It sounded like fun, and maybe something people wouldn’t expect, so I decided to give it a try,” he said. “Dave sent me a rough cut of the film and I dusted the cobwebs off my ink bottle.”

The image definitely recalls Watterson’s famous Calvin and Hobbes style, showing a cartoonist so shocked by the “death of newspapers” that he jumps out of his clothes. Meanwhile, a dog is sitting beside him, reading a tablet.

“Given the movie’s title and the fact that there are few things funnier than human nudity, the idea popped into my head largely intact,” Watterson said Wednesday.

Watterson does interviews few and far between, but he did one in December in which he explained why there will never be a film with his famous characters.

Stripped hits DVD on April 2 and can be pre-ordered on iTunes.

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