Rapper Drake took to Twitter Thursday morning to slam Rolling Stone, claiming that the magazine made a last minute decision to replace him on the cover with the late Philip Seymour Hoffman. He also said that he did not make comments about Kanye West’s new album and has sworn off doing magazine interviews.
In Drake’s new interview with the magazine, he criticized Macklemore’s apology text to Kendrick Lamar after the Grammys as “wack as f**k” and “cheap.”
RealTalkNY also reports that a scan of the full story shows that Drake said there were “real questionable bars” on West’s Yeezus. “Like that, ‘Swaghilli,’ line? Come on man. Even Fabolous wouldn’t say some sh!t like that,” the quote continues.
However, in a short Twitter rant this morning, the Nothing Was The Same rapper claimed that he did not make those comments during the interview. “I never commented on Yeezus for my interview portion of Rolling Stone,” he wrote.
He later said that the magazine decided at the last moment to put Hoffman on the cover. “I'm disgusted with that. RIP to Phillip Seymour Hoffman. All respect due. But the press is evil,” he wrote.
Finally, he said that he will no longer do interviews with magazines. “I’m done doing interviews for magazines. I just want to give my music to the people. That's the only way my message gets across accurately,” he wrote.
Rolling Stone is running the interview, but it will be surrounded by tributes and stories on Hoffman’s life and career. The magazine spoke with David Bar Katz, who discovered Hoffman on Feb. 2 and called police. The actor died that day of a drug overdose.
I never commented on Yeezus for my interview portion of Rolling Stone. They also took my cover from me last minute and ran the issue.
— Drizzy (@Drake) February 13, 2014
I'm disgusted with that. RIP to Phillip Seymour Hoffman. All respect due. But the press is evil.
— Drizzy (@Drake) February 13, 2014
I'm done doing interviews for magazines. I just want to give my music to the people. That's the only way my message gets across accurately.
— Drizzy (@Drake) February 13, 2014
image courtesy of Rolling Stone