The cast for Spy, a 20th Century Fox comedy slated to star Melissa McCarthy with Paul Feig directing, continues to grow. Blue Jasmine actor Bobby Cannavale Best Man Holiday’s Nia Long are in talks to join the cast.

Spy was originally known as Susan Cooper and is being set up as the first part of a franchise, with McCarthy as a James Bond-style spy. Earlier this month, Jude Law joined the cast, which also includes Rose Byrne, Jason Statham and Miranda Hart.

Cannavale’s casting was first reported by TheWrap, which notes that he hasn’t officially signed on yet. He’ll play the villain, an Italian playboy.

Long has been cast as a major CIA chief, reports The Hollywood Reporter.

Cannavale was recently seen in Woody Allen’s Blue Jasmine and has been cast in Martin Scorsese’s HBO rock ‘n’ roll pilot. He also filmed Sony’s Annie with Byrne and will be seen in Jon Favreau’s Chef.

Long’s recent credits include House of Lies, Best Man Holiday and The Single Moms Club.

Spy is scheduled for release on May 22, 2015 and will be produced by Fox and Chernin Entertainment.