Two people in Indiana became extremely ill after eating contaminated Skittles candies. The victims required hospital attention after they reported burning throats, cramping, and diarrhea.

At this point, authorities are unsure if the candy was tampered with, but the investigation continues. According to NBC News, the Indiana State Department of Health said in a news release that tests showed the Skittles sold in Richmond, Indiana did have some sort of unknown chemical substance in the candy. They are still trying to figure out exactly what that substance was.

The lab results will be complete in a few days. According to the Associated Press, a spokeswoman for Skittles producer William Wrigley Jr. Co. of Chicago said Thursday it was investigating the matter. But, Skittles have been cleared of any wrongdoing in the situation.

Authorities are advising people who purchased Skittles with the lot numbers 08JUL14 023 or 01DEC14 023 to keep the candy safely in a sealed container and immediately call the police. Markets have already pulled all skittles that contained those lot numbers.