After the pornographic tweet seen around the world on Monday, US Airways called it "an honest mistake" and said the employee who tweeted the image will not be fired.
According to the New York Daily News, Matt Miller, a spokesman for the airline, said that the tweet was "inadvertently included" when it was sent out as a response to customers.
"It was an honest mistake,” said Miller. “It was in an attempt to flag the tweet as inappropriate.”
Inappropriate is right. The X-rated photograph tweeted out was of a naked woman with a toy plane between her legs, the Business Insider noted.
The photo remained on the company’s feed for nearly an hour before it was taken down and replaced with an apology.
"We apologize for an inappropriate image recently shared as a link in one of our responses.”
The employee responsible for the obscene tweet has not been named.
Miller also said that the airline will reevaluate how it flags inappropriate media.