The Walt Disney Studio, the master of the ultimate theatrical teasers, released a teaser for Cinderella, its next live action fairy tale. As with previous teasers from the studio, it features no footage from the final product.

Instead, the one-minute video begins with a full crystallized image of something. As the camera pulls back, we learn that this object is the famous glass slipper, featured prominently in the Cinderella story.

Cinderella was first turned into a film by the studio back in 1950. That animated classic is credited with revitalized the studio after several animated disappointments. Disney is hoping that the live action version, directed by Oscar nominee Kenneth Branagh (Thor, Hendy V), will be just as big a hit.

This version of Cinderella has been in the works for years and Cate Blanchett was the first to join. She will play the Evil Stepmother. Lily James (Downton Abbey) is Cinderella and Helena Bonham Carter is her Fairy Godmother.

Cinderella opens in March 2015. You can bet that the teaser will be shown before Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent, which opens later this month.