Raw satellite data of communication between the missing Malaysia Flight 370 and satellites were made public on Tuesday, showing how an international team determined that the flight ended in the Indian Ocean.
The flight has been missing since March 8, but it wasn’t until March 24 that the Malaysian government told relatives of passengers that the flight likely ended in the southern Indian Ocean. Since then, the families have requested that the data that lead to that conclusion be released. Some of that information was finally released on Tuesday, but it was not the full picture.
According to CNN, the 47-page document showed the communication between MH370 and satellite systems run by the U.K. company Inmarsat. The document stresses at the very beginning that it is not the full picture, noting that it is “intended to provide a readable summary of the data communication logs.”
While this is the first time that independent groups have had access to the data, it isn’t likely that anyone is going to come to a new conclusion. BBC News’ science correspondent Jonathan Amos says that the information makes it clear that the flight is somewhere off the Australian coast, as the investigators have already determined.
Still, the families are holding out hope that independent investigators could find something that governments could not. The flight had 239 people onboard, many from China, who were flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.