Her name is Katharine. She has more than 11 thousand followers on Twitter. She is also a great white shark.

Katherine is one of a pair of sharks tagged by the research organization
Ocearch off the coast of Cape Cod last year as reported by the Houston Chronicle. According to Ocearch she is 14 feet long and 2,300 pounds heavy.

Katharine and other great whites have been tagged and tracked by Ocearch so that scientists can better understand and gather more research about the migratory patterns of great whites and where their breeding grounds are.

Chris Fischer, who is the founder of Ocearch, stated as reported by ABC News, “So we’ve brought fisherman and scientists together to capture and release sharks to help solve the puzzle of their lives, which is where they’re breeding and giving birth, so we can leverage that information to help sharks recover from the immense pressure they’ve been under. It's absolutely crucial.”

Scientists and researchers are not the only people getting information from Katharine. Ocearch allows any internet user to log into their Ocearch Global Shark Tracker and track Katharine and other sharks they have tagged. Thus fans can see the amount of ocean covered by a great white shark themselves, and vacationers can feel a thrill if the sharks are traveling close to their beaches.

Check out this link about Katharine: