Mike King of Louisville, Kentucky may just be the best son ever. When he was only 8-years-old, he understood that his father, Roger, had always dreamed of owning a 1957 Chevy Bel Air. With his father celebrating his 57th birthday, King followed through with his promise.

In a Reddit post over the weekend, King explained that his father grew up poor with six other siblings and could never afford the car of his dreams. So, King promised to fulfil his father’s dream when he turned 57 and King never forgot the promise.

According to The Huffington Post, the video shows King surprising his father with the car. When Roger sees the car, he is in complete shock and the two hug. “This is real?” Roger asks and King confirms that it is.

In his Reddit post, King explained that he had the car for two years, but wanted to wait for the right birthday. He even showed Roger pictures of the car, but never told him that he would own it one day.

King said he worked 60-hour workweeks to afford the car and traveled to New Hampshire to pick it up. He also revealed that the man in the video is not his biological father, but the man is still his dad.

“My dad has been everything to me, he is not my biological father but he IS my father,” King wrote. “But this man in this video, my DAD my FATHER, was the best thing that ever happened to me and my mom and I hope I can be a fraction of the man that he is.”

Here’s the video, which has now been seen over 9 million times: