Lots of things are happening in the world of Fifty Shades of Grey! The trailer for the cinematic adaption of E.L. James’ first erotic fan-fiction-turned-romance-novel is set for release on July 24.

While most fans were anticipating getting a first glimpse of college student Anastasia Steele and business mastermind Christian Grey this fall, Universal has announced that the trailer will actually drop much sooner than expected. According to CinemaBlend, the new date is indeed July 24, 2014.

The trailer will be met by eager and excited fans, as there has been very little promotional material released from the set of Fifty Shades other than a few stills and teases on James’ Instagram.

The author of the hit series actually confirmed the release date for the trailer on Twitter, writing, “Hold onto your hats folks. You’ll get your first look at the FSoG movie trailer on July 24.” To excite fans even more, she teased,” I’ve had a sneak peak and WOW! #WeAimToPlease”

Update via Twitter from E.L. James

The film’s leading lady, Dakota Johnson, has also just scored her next role in the romantic drama titled Forever, Interrupted.

Are you excited to check out the first Fifty Shades trailer?

Image courtesy of INFPhoto.com