Washington has officially legalized the use of marijuana Tuesday, making it the second state to approve marijuana.

According to The Associated Press, Washington and Colorado both voted in favor of legalizing marijuana for citizens over 21 in 2012. Colorado began selling marijuana this year on January 1rst, and now Washington has begun selling it as well. Along with legalizing marijuana, both states have special licenses that must be obtained in order to sell, tax, or grow it.

Two shops have begun selling marijuana in Seattle. One shop, Bellingham’s Top Shelf Cannabis, opened its doors to customers at 8 a.m. Many camped out the night before to get it as soon doors opened and to make sure that they obtained it, since there is currently a supply shortage. There are currently 24 retailers that have been granted a marijuana seller license. Also out of 2,600 people who have filed to become licenses growers, only 100 have been approved, which also contributes to the shortage along with the fact that only 12 growers had a harvest prepared.

Colorado has already benefited tremendously from the legalization of marijuana and has reeled in $24 million from sales and taxes. Washington is also expected to be very successful and state officials anticipate that marijuana sells and taxes will amount to approximately $190 million over the course of the next four years, according to USA Today.

Marijuana will cost $25 or more per gram. Buyers must be at least 21 years of age and are able to purchase 16 ounces of solid substances that have marijuana inside of it, 72 ounces of liquids that contain marijuana, 7 grams of marijuana that is concentrated, and one ounce of dried marijuana, The Associated Press reported.