A whole bunch of new faces boarded Warner Bros.' competing Jungle Book adaptation on Wednesday, with Cate Blanchett Christian Bale and Naomie Harris at the forefront.

In addition to those three, Tom Hollander, Peter Mullan and Eddie Marsan will star in the CG/live-action film, Entertainment Weekly reports. Andy Serkis, who is also directing the film, will voice Baloo the bear.

Blanchett is on board to voice Kaa, the python, while Bale will play Bagheera, the panther. Hollander will voice Tabaqui, who is a jackal and an underling for the tiger, Shere Khan. Harris, Marsan and Mullan will play members of Mowgli's wolf pack.

The young human star of the film will be played by Rohan Chand (Bad Words). Much like Disney's competing Jungle Book film, which will be out in theaters in 2015, Mowgli will likely be the only live-action actor in the film, with the rest done through CG.

They join the previously cast Benedict Cumberbatch, who was picked to voice the villainous Shere Khan.

The film is being produced by Steve Cloves and daughter Callie Kloves adapted Rudyard Kipling's short stories for the film.

Jungle Book: Origins is set to hit theaters Oct. 21, 2016.

image courtesy of Peter West/ACE/INFphoto.com