Hugh Jackman is no stranger to the world of live theater. However, some of the actions in his new Broadway play, The River, made him a bit nervous.
"A remote fishing cabin, a man and a woman, and a moonless night. The River asks: when we find each other, are we trying to recapture someone we once lost," the play's website reads.
During The River, Jackman apparently prepares and cooks a live trout on stage during each performance. What unsettles the star is preparing a fish before a large audience, The Hamilton Spectator reports.
"I love the idea of doing all that, in silence and alone, except I'm on stage in front of 750 people," Jackman said. "I love the power of theater to create a moment like that - though if I cut myself and start bleeding all over the place it might not be so silent."
See Jackman in The River opening in New York on November 16.