There’s a reason Nik Wallenda is called a daredevil. He is always pushing the boundaries after every triumph and on Sunday evening the tightrope artist is set to cross the Chicago River ... blindfolded.

The Associated Press reports that the scene is set for Wallenda’s latest stunt in which he will be suspended 600 feet in the air and walk a tightrope between two city skyscrapers.
WLS noted that the 35-year-old will attempt to cross between Marina City West Tower and the Leo Burnett building on a 15-degree incline, all while blindfolded.
The Discovery Channel will be broadcasted on a 10-second delay Sunday in case the high-wire performer should fall.
Wallenda said that he is well prepared for the stunt in the Windy City because he has trained with wind machines. However, he added that if the winds do become too much for him he will lower himself and wait for a rescue crew. The winds are forecast to be up to 15-20 miles per hour when he begins the stunt.
“The King of the Wire” as he is referred to, is a seventh-generation member of The Flying Wallendas family and is known for live high-wire performances. He is the first person to have ever walked a tightrope across Niagara Falls in 2012 and the Grand Canyon in 2013.