Authorities said that Sir Elton John's heart-shaped glasses, which were stolen from a museum last week, have been found and the thief has been arrested.

The Associated Press noted that the glasses were first reported stolen from the Rock 'n' Soul Museum in Memphis on April 21. A worker notified police after seeing that the glasses, valued at more than $2,000, were missing from the display case.

"I really didn't think we would get them back," said John Doyle, the museum’s Executive Director. "We knew they would be hard to pass off because of their heart-shape and there had been so much publicity."

WMC reported that by taking prints from the case in which the thief had to open up to retrieve the glasses, they matched them to Matthew Colvin, 26, of Southaven, Mississippi. Investigators said that Colvin allegedly admitted that he stole the glasses and was arrested at his home.

Doyle expressed his gratitude for the efforts of police department in solving the case and recovering the famous glasses.

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