Michelle Obama has been living in the White House as the First Lady for the better part of a decade and although she’s undoubtedly enjoying her prestigious role, she also told Stephen Colbert what she looks forward to when they move out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Obama appeared on Colbert’s Late Show on Monday and told him she misses the little things – like shopping at Target.

"I want to do little things like, you know, open a window,” she said, People reports. "I want to go to Target! I want to drive!"

She even shared a funny story about traveling to Camp David one afternoon. “As a treat, my lead agent let me have the windows open” for a few minutes, she said "He was like 'windows open! Enjoy it!'”

The Obama family still has over a year until Mrs. Obama can driver herself to Target with her windows open.

Another cause President Obama and his wife will continue to support even after his current term has ended is girls' education.

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