Photographs of the cast of the upcoming play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child were released today.

The photos were posted on the play's Facebook page. Harry Potter will be played by Jamie Parker, Poppy Miller will take on the role of his wife Ginny and Sam Clemmett will play Albus Potter. The play takes place 19 years after the events of the original books and will feature a grown up (old enough to go to Hogwarts) Albus and a much older Harry and Ginny. So far, fans seem pleased with the photos.

The photos also included interview quotes about the actors and their characters from Harry Potter. Author J.K. Rowling who had this to say about Jamie Parker stepping into the leading role as Harry,  “He simply is Harry now. There's a kind of relief in watching him, he gets it so right.”

Previews for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child are set to begin on June 7 at the Palace Theatre in London. Entertainment Weekly reports that Scholastic will also be releasing the script book this summer.

For more information about the cast photos and to read the full story online, visit Pottermore.