Camille Bloom will release her new indie album, Pieces of Me, on Sep. 9. With honest lyrics and skilled vocals, this singer/songwriter is one to know.

Camille Bloom presents true artistry – in both composition and subject matter – on Pieces of Me. An indie artist, Bloom crowd-sourced funding for the record. Without label backing, she told fans on her website “I’m going to make whatever record I can make.” Production and promotion for Pieces of Me were tailored around a reported $26,275 raised. Given what she accomplished on this album, it would be interesting to see what a full budget would have produced.

Embracing Honest Music

The singer/songwriter/guitarist opens Pieces of Me gently with “Lift Me Up.” Layered over beautiful string work, crystal vocals convey a clear emotionality. Next, the second track takes a different turn with “Hit the Road.” Increasing the sass factor with a touch of folk and southern twang, this catchy tune showcases Bloom’s personality.

As Pieces of Me continues, “Turn Back to You”, “Pieces of Me” and “Everywhere But Here” honestly portray life. Camille Bloom does not appear to sugarcoat the world. Instead, she embraces and explores the quirks and complications involved in human experiences.

Two standout tracks on the record are “Zombie” and “Novocain.” Though these songs differ stylistically, both share a sense of social commentary. “Zombie” is a timely statement regarding the loss of direct human connection in this digital age. Greenwich Village folk sensibilities permeate this track. “Novocain” is a heartfelt and somber tune addressing concerns of a societal trend toward over-medication.

Pieces of Me continues onward with a mixture of folk-inspired and paired-down tracks. Amidst these is “Refuse to 1.” A faster tempo song, it has more edge and a hint of funk, featuring catchy lyrics and tonality. As Bloom’s words draw a line in the sand, this song could easily become an anthem for being oneself.

Camille Bloom has a beautiful voice, which she skillfully puts to use in Pieces of Me. Equally as important; her personality truly shines through in this record. With nine years of touring under her belt, this artist brings clear vocal and compositional capabilities to the table.