Beyonce's Lemonade was just named album of the year by Rolling Stone.

The magazine felt very strongly opening with a statement of, "Beyonce shut everyone else down this year with a soul-on-fire masterpiece, testifying about love, rage and betrayal that felt all too true in the America of 2016."

They continued to boast on behalf of her album calling it a "confessional, genre-devouring suite that feels larger than life yet still heartbreakingly intimate, because it doubles as her portrait in flames."

In case you didn't own a television, computer, or looked at social media since the visual album dropped on HBO we can keep you updated. The visual art piece showed and spoke of Beyonce getting left and sold out by Jay-Z.

She once felt safe and expresses what it's like to be broken. It led the nation to question is this really about Jay-Z, the father of her child and man she is still with, or about all of us.

The same people who were skeptical of Lemonade and Jay cheating are the same who feel she is not deemed of such a high ranking and have taken to Twitter to voice their opinion.