Twenty years after her death, Prince Harry finally opened up about the death of his mother, Princess Diana.
CBS News reported that for the first time since the fatal car crash in 1997, Prince Harry has finally opened up about the death of his mother. In an interview with Bryony Gordon of Britain’s Telegraph, Harry said he shut down his emotions completely.
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“It was 20 years of not thinking about it and then two years of total chaos,” Harry told Gordon during the podcast interview. “I can safely say that losing my mum at the age of 12 and therefore shutting down all of my emotions for the last 20 years, has had a quite serious effect on not only my personal life but also my work as well.”
Harry said that it was his brother, Prince William, who finally convinced him to get professional help. He also recently spoke about his regret at not speaking up about losing his mother sooner.
Harry is now breaking the stigma on mental illness. Along with Prince William and his wife Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, Harry is running a campaign to encourage people to talk openly about mental illness.