Courtney Love remembers Kurt Cobain on his birthday

Today in the honor of Kurt Cobain's memory, Courtney Love posted a reminder of her love for her husband with birthday wishes, remembering the cutting edge rocker as what he meant to her, her love.

Courtney Love posted on Instagram a photo with the words, “happy birthday baby god I miss you.”  Today would have been Kurt Cobain’s 51st birthday.

Cobain killed himself on April 5, 1994, while at his home in Seattle using a 20-gauge shotgun at the age of 27, proceeding his struggle with narcotics and mental turmoil.

His suicide note ended with, “Please keep going Courtney for Frances. For her life will be so much happier without me. I love you. I love you.” Frances Bean, the couple's daughter, was one and a half years old.

Last year on Good Morning America, Love remarked that Frances is a lot like her father.

“She looks a lot like him... She’s enigmatic like he was. She’s got a very dry, kind of, sick sense of humor that he had. I mean, he had a really sick sense of humor, but dry.”

She also said of Frances, “She’s able to cut people down with one line like he was able to do," according to People.

Kurt Cobain was the most influential artist of the nineties. Nirvana was injected into the mind of America, and the world, in 1991 with Smells Like Teen Spirit. Cobain's influence is still felt in alternative rock. A musical genius, he gave punk rock a boost in the mainstream, and a pop master using simple melodies accompanied by noisy feedback and distortion. His rough and gritty howl was the archetype for later singers in alternative rock, with mish-mashed leads and stormy power chords gave inspiration for rock guitarists thereafter. Kurt Cobain railed about the downside of growing up interwoven with his inner demons,

Kurt Cobain's greatest songs, among others, are, Lithium, In Bloom, Heart-Shaped Box, Pennyroyal Tea and About a Girl, according to Rolling Stone.

Courtney Love, who is still mourning over her husband's death, has reminded the world about Kurt Cobain and what he gave to the world. Remembering Cobain as he lived is important because he gave a lot of himself to his art and was really conscious of the message he was sending out.

Happy Birthday Kurt Cobain.