We’re T-minus 7 days until the release of Black Panther.

They hype is building like never before. Seriously, there’s usually a good amount of buzz anytime that a Marvel film is released, but I don’t remember hearing this much good press or excitement for one of their outings since 2012's The Avengers.

credit: YouTube

At the time of this article being written, Black Panther has a 99 percent on Rotten Tomatoes with 78 reviews.

Black Panther is going to be an important, dare I say revolutionary, film for several reasons — it’s one of the first times that an almost exclusively African-American cast, along with director Ryan Coogler, have been handed such a large property. Basically, Black Panther is about to be a huge step forward in Hollywood and society in general (and f*ck any Facebook group who tries to say anything different).

It’s not the first time, however, that we’ve seen an African-American superhero on the big screen. Whether they’re in the Marvel Cinematic Universe of they stand completely by themselves, other inspiring African-American figures have stood out in a noteworthy way.

To keep the hype building for Black Panther, and as part of Black History month, we’re recognizing some of those heroes. Here’s our list:

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