In A24 we trust.

A24, the studio who distributed films such as The Florida Project, Moonlight, The Disaster Artist and so many more, has picked up a new script called Bodies Bodies Bodies, written by “Cat Person” author Kristen Ropuenian.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bodies Bodies Bodies will be a work of fiction that’s horror based. Any details of the plot itself are being kept secret for the time being, but it supposedly includes elements of heightened sensitivity to character development and social dynamics in a supervised way.

“Cat Person” is a short story, published by The New Yorker that went viral across the internet this past December. Telling of a young female college student who got into an uncomfortable relationship with a rather hostile man, it became The New Yorker’s most-read fiction story of 2017.

Those over at A24 heard Ropuenian had been sitting on a separate script and decided to track her down. The plan, now, is to fast-track the script into production.

Bodies Bodies Bodies won’t be the only horror film being released by A24 in the near future, either. The company has verged into horror before — namely with The Witch, Green Room, The Blackcoat’s Daughter and It Comes at Night — and will be releasing Hereditary, which some have already called the scariest film of the year, later this summer.

Ropuenian has also recently made a seven-figure deal with Scout Press, who will be publishing her next collection of stories

There’s currently no release date set for Bodies Bodies Bodies but we’re already pretty excited to see Ropuenian transfer over to the big screen. After all, A24 really hasn’t steered us wrong yet, so we have faith in the property if they do.

What do you think of the news? Are you interested in Bodies Bodies Bodies? Let us know in the comments below.

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