Day 1 inside the Big Brother house. The HG release it’s game on after Swaggy C’s decision to save half of the house. Angela and Kaitlyn are probably the most upset at this choice. I find it funny that Swaggy C overheard their conversation. Kaitlyn does come clean with Swaggy C about her frustrations.

Many houseguests are adjusting to BB life. They are enjoying working out, laying by the pool and lounging around. We also might have seen our first alliance of the season come together. Swaggy C, Haleigh, Kaitlyn, Rockstar and Faysal would be “The Five.” I’m not sure just yet how I feel about this alliance.

It’s time for the first HOH competition of the summer. It’s called Microchip Mayhem. Pretty simple. The eight HG that aren’t safe will be competing. You must eliminate or “delete” the other HG by filing up their deletion tubes and be the last HG standing. The smart move here would be to team up, which several HG are doing. Sam and Steve are the first two HG out. This was definitely not Steve’s competition. Rough start to the game for Sam. Kaitlyn, Winston and Angela are the next three out.

The final three are JC, Tyler and Bayleigh. Tyler and Bayleigh are working together but seem to have a bit of an argument. Tyler is able to outlast them both to become the first HOH of the summer. I’m ok with this. I’m curious to see where Tyler’s loyalties lie.

It seems that the second alliance of the summer might be coming together. Winston decides to make a move. He is already close with Brett, Angela and Rachel. He decides they should try and recruit Kaycee and Tyler to make a six-person alliance. “We have brains, brawns, bikinis…and a sidekick.” I’m ok with this alliance coming together and it would be interesting to have them going against Swaggy C and “The Five.”

It has been a rough start to the game for Sam. She officially becomes the first cryer of the season while pleading for her BB life with Tyler. She is the first of many HG to talk to the new HOH to try and suggest what they would do. Tyler is quick to notice that Swaggy C sent in his “minions” (Kaitlyn, Faysal, Rockstar) in to suggest that he should put a strong target like Winston or Angela. It seems Tyler could do one of two things: 1. do the safe move by putting up Sam & Steve or 2. he could draw the line in the sand and put up a strong target. It’s always tough being the first HOH.

It’s time for the first Nomination Ceremony of the summer. What is Tyler going to do? Tyler does decide to go the safe route and nominates Sam and Steve for eviction. He claims it is nothing personal but since they were the first two eliminated during the HOH competition that is the reason he nominated them. Sam is crushed. Steve feels confident. Swaggy C hopes that the POV will change the nominations. Tyler feels confident with the moves he made. This is always a smart play on the first week to try and avoid putting a target on your back for the upcoming weeks.

Who will win the 1st Power of Veto of the summer?

Tune into Big Brother this Sunday night at 8 p.m. only on CBS.

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