Hungary’s Olympic Committee said Wednesday that it has in fact received a terrorist threat ahead of Sochi’s Winter Games, along with four other countries.
According to NBC News, the Olympic organizing committees of Germany, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia also reported getting threats.
However, a Hungarian official of the committee has since told Reuters that the threats are not credible.
“I am very pleased to inform everyone that both the IOC and the Sochi organizing committee ... declared after the analysis of the letter that this threat is not real,” said Zsigmond Nagy. “This person has been sending all kinds of messages to many members of the Olympic family.”
The Associated Press has reported that the email messages sent to the committees were typed in Russian and English.
The latest threats, whether credible or not, come on the heels of some other very real threats and attacks ahead of this year’s Olympic Games.
Most recently, the women dubbed as the ‘Black Widows,' whom Russian authorities are still searching for, have many fearing that more suicide bombers could be hiding in Sochi.