The cast of Terminator Genesis, the fifth film in the iconic sci-fi franchise created by James Cameron, is coming together quickly now as the project nears its release date in summer 2015. After securing Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor and Jason Clarke as John Connor, the producers are now looking to cast Kyle Reese.

Kyle was John Connor’s father and was played by Michael Biehn in the original Terminator. John sent Kyle back in time to save his mother from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator, not knowing that Kyle would turn out to be his father. Deadline reported Monday that the producers are looking at either Jai Courtney or Boyd Holbrook for the role. The site noted that another person could be in the mix, but the crew is really looking to cast either one of these actors.

Courtney was recently seen in Jack Ryan, while Holbrook will be seen in Jane Got A Gun and Gone Girl this year. Courtney also appears in Angelina Jolie’s upcoming Unbroken.

Terminator Genesis will be released on July 1, 2015 and is a Paramount and Skydance co-production. It is being written by Laeta Kalogridis and Patrick Lussier and directed by Game of Thrones’ Alan Taylor. Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) was cast in December, just as it was reported that Jason Clarke (Zero Dark Thirty) was in talks.

Last month, Deadline did report that Megan Ellison, who had spent $20 million to acquire the Terminator franchise, has backed out of funding the film and Paramount will pay the rest of the bill. Her brother, David Ellison, runs Skydance.

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