The Tracks: East L.A.'s rising indie rock band

The Tracks we pay attention to..Something new and exciting is happening on "the wrong side of the tracks."

East L.A.'s The Tracks' are on the rise and are changing the indie rock scene as we know it. The band is bringing not only a great new sound to the scene, but also breaking down the institutionalized whiteness that indie rock has been so keen to.

The Tracks' are an image of what America actually is. They're breaking down the whitewashed notions of Trump's America, particularly in this genre that lacks cultural diversity. They're children of immigrants. They've faced the struggles of "living the American Dream"; working in inhumane conditions, battling homelessness, and other trials that so many immigrants in America face today.

The Tracks' have taken their personal struggles and tragedy, finding a beautiful and creative outlet: music.

The band consists of vocalist and guitarist Venancio Bermudez and bassist Felipe Contrera, who met in middle school. In high school, they met their drummer, Jaime Conde. After many lineups and names, they found Jesiel Higuera, guitarist. Thus, the founding of The Tracks.

The band was formed in a time of darkness. Bermudez' father had recently passed and he had found himself homeless. Creating music was his escape.

In an interview with L.A. Taco, Bermudez described this. "I would rather be homeless and making music I love than pretend to believe in something. I make music because I need to. That’s really when the Tracks started." he explains. "Death, and dying, it was heavy on my mind. But to me the songs are about surviving."

The Tracks' capture their experience through a raw and rugged sound. Their bold and fast songs are driven with garage rock guitar. Their music gives you the same kind of excitement you get when you listen to The Killers. The Tracks' sound makes it hard to not tap your foot to or give some subtle head banging.

Check out the fascinating interview on L.A. Taco. Follow The Tracks' on Twitter and Instagram.