Marc Silverstein, Food Network host of The Best Of and career journalist is a big football fan, but he definitely knows how to throw a fabulous sports party and his great tips come right in time for Super Bowl Sunday!

Silverstein provided some helpful tips that aren’t what one would normally hear or read about, but they all make perfect sense.

His must-do checklist includes:

Appliance check-up: making sure the fridge is up to the task by replacing filters for optimum use and how Sears can help.

Offering a wide variety of drinks including some good wine from Deutsch Family Wines.

In addition to a few prepared dishes, supply yummy, yet easy snacks that everyone like such as Sabra Hummus, crudité, crackers, charcuterie and cheese will keep everyone satisfied.

Decorating to make it festive, but on a budget and making things easy to clean up after it is over.

And one other thing, that most people don’t think of…

Hmm... What could that be?  We have good food, lots of booze and soft drinks, enough ice (there is never too much ice) and big TV. What’s missing? A seating chart.

A Seating chart?  What?  Actually, coming up with a seating chart in advance is a great idea.  One doesn’t need to be too anal and say “You will sit here and you will sit there,” but having an idea of where everyone can sit in advance and show how people can flow in and out of the space with ease is a fantastic tip.

Marc Silverstein spoke with Michelle Tompkins for about his career, what is On The Marc media, how he grew to love reporting about food, what are some great things to do to prep for a Super Bowl party, how can give you more helpful tips and more.

See full interview here:

Marc Silverstein can be found here and you can go to for more Super Bowl tips