Facebook AR debuts camera platform to showcase a new image recognition capabilities as promotion for two new films: Ready Player One and A Wrinkle in Time.

RELATED: Read A Wrinkle in Time Review

According to Next Reality, on the Facebook App for iOS and Android, users can make use of scanned triggers for the new movies.

The video shows the Iron Giant coming to life out of the Ready Player One poster. Each trigger opens up a portal into the imaginary worlds of each movie.

The promo for A Wrinkle in Time shows the AR world coming to life with the film's tagline: "Be a Warrior. Open a portal to a new dimension." Ready Player One also offers a 360 degree tour of a basement that's also a 1980s museum, tapping into the film's pop-culture virtual reality system.

RELATED: Read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline Book Review

Facebook's use of AR trigger's is an interesting and innovative use of marketing. Movie posters are the main advertising for films and the new AR system takes it into new and exciting possibilities.

Ready Player One and A Wrinkle in Time are both sci-fi/fantasy movies set in cool, new worlds, so it makes sense for the app to take users into the world of the movies. But, the idea could be translated into all movies, regardless of genre. Imagine an AR trigger for historical dramas or indie films. I'd love to see an AR portal to Wes Anderson's Isle of Dogs movie, where dogs pour out.

What do you think of Facebook's AR triggers? Do you like them or find them unnecessary? Are you excited by augmented reality? Or are you a little alarmed?  Let us know in the comments.

‘Ready Player One’ – 5 Great Books to read beforehand